Sunday, August 20, 2006

Life lessons learned in a weekend.

It was a work weekend at Todd and Laura's house.
Their 200 year old house.
A dirt floor in the basement dug up.
100+ year old peonies dug up and replanted.
Shingles for the barn/outbuilding stained.
(ahem, individual shingles for a barn? If there is the male equivalent to Martha Stewart, he lives in Cazenovia.)

Despite the rain, the blisters, the sore feet and aching backs, there was quality time spent and some good life lessons learned:

friends and family help each other
lead by example
the best way to do a job you are dreading?
hit it head on with a positive attitude
ask for help
listen to good music while working
laugh alot
blisters go away
take time throughout the day to
pet the dog
kiss the baby
enjoy a good meal

Did I forget anything?


v said...

I think you covered everything.

Beautifully :-)

Anonymous said...

im so jacked omg...
