Wednesday, September 27, 2006

(and other filler words)

um, like, I really hate it when people use filler words. I know that, um, I am probably, like, guilty of it myself, but over the last few weeks I've really, like, actually noticed everyone doing it. and "actually" is the new filler word that everyone is actually using, know what I mean?

Next time you are talking with someone, or just watching tv, or just reading blogs (mmmm hmmm, here too) notice how often the word "actually" is actually used

Um, like, that, just, really, know what I mean, ya know, and actually - we can't help ourselves! and while some are annoying because they are overused , others are just plain not necessary (remove them from your speech and the speech has exactly the same meaning)


v said...

Basically, that, um, post was really awesome.

(There. Four words I hate, all in one sentence.Not to say that I, like, never use them, but...hey, um, you know.)

Lisa Ryan said...

ok, Vanessa how many times was "actually" said tonight! lol

Jenna, Jenna - did you just say the word beeyotch? what flavor soap would you prefer? and yes I always do know what you mean :-)

v said...

Actually, I'm not sure. Basically, alot.

rzdesign said...

So, how about misspeakisms. Like aks and supposably!

Kate said...

Ooooo that's almost as bad as "Right". I find it annoying when speaking to someone, or when explaining something, and they keep saying "right, right," as they follow along... grrrr!

Lisa Ryan said...

I hate that too. when someone nods throughout - right, right, uh huh, right. Riiiiiight!

so, aks me a question!

v said...

Don't get me going. I think I became an editor because I read too many misspellings on cereal boxes. I'm much more tolerant of speech, however, because I'm guilty of some baaaaad habits too. (Right. Mmhhm. Yes. Right.)