Friday, June 29, 2007

5 fun facts for friday with a twist

1. Most boat owners name their boats. What is the most popular boat name requested?
2. If you were to spell out numbers, how far would you have to go until you would find the letter "A"?
3. Half of all Americans live within 50 miles of what?
4. What do bulletproof vests, fire escapes, windshield wipers, and laser printers all have in common?
5. What is the only food that doesn't spoil?

Thanks to all who played!
answers are below:
1. Obsession
2. One thousand
3. Their birthplace
4. All invented by women
5. Honey

congrats to Julie who had the most correct answers at 3. :-)


Schmoop said...

I am pretty sure I have nailed this one:

1. Bitch Got Da House

2. Negative One (clever, eh?)

3. Their House

4. The letter "e"


Tell me I'm wrong , I dare ya ; ) Cheers Lisa...

Lisa Ryan said...

LOL, very good answers Matt-man!

rzdesign said...

1. Edna
2. To the corner and back.
3. The other half of Americans.
4. Two words.
5. Honey

Lisa Ryan said...

LOL, Edna. good answers R and ya got one right!

rzdesign said...

It is crazy how obsessed I am having to tell people for the one thousandth time that I was born in Chicago as was my mother, a woman.

Lisa Ryan said...

OY! would your mother's name be Honey by any chance?

rzdesign said...

THAT would have been perfect!

Durward Discussion said...

R Yot
Where they were born

Harmony said...

1.A Capella
(not gone to hundread and one
3.girlfirnds..ha ha
4.all invented by a woman
5.Honey..yeah..Honey is an antibiotic, and was used to treat burns and wounds.

Harmony said...

you are always there in mine..

Lisa Ryan said...

Hi Jamie, love R Yot! and ya got two right!

Hey Pankaj, two right! #3 - hah!

Kate said...

1. midlife crisis
2. one thousand
3. a hospital?
4. they save our butts
5. uncooked rice

Julie said...

Hello Lisa...I told you I'd visit...hmm now these questions...

1. Sally
2. one thousand
3. their workplace
4. invented by women
5. honey

How did I did I do?

Lisa Ryan said...

Hi Kate, one right! although I can't imagine uncooked rice ever going bad!

Hi Julie- thanks for visiting. everyone has such good answers!
3 right :-)

rzdesign said...

C'mon now! I know you watch Survivor and have seen bugs in the rice! But I guess that doesn't mean the RICE has gone bad.

Travis Cody said...

1. Liberty
2. One thousand
3. Water
4. I was going to say they all save lives, but how would a laser printer save a life? LOL! So instead I'll say the letter S.
5. Twinkies!

Lisa Ryan said...

R, although extremely yucky, it would still be edible.

Hi Trav, one right, but hot damn, you've got a point about twinkies. do they ever go bad?

Anonymous said...

Today, July 1, is Canada's 140th birthday. I invite you to come to my blog and wish Canada a Happy Birthday.

Imma Canadian

Anonymous said...

Come see mine too, k, k, k... ya, good hooman. BARK

Canadian dawg

v said...

OK, I'm a sucker for these things.
1. S.S. Minnow? :0) (Zach suggested Titanic. Mmm, not so much.)
2. One half.
3. A coastline. (Or a Wal-Mart.)
4. Asbestos?
5. Chocolate never dies. (Though my mom did cook a pasta dish one time that didn't, either. This wasn't pretty.)

Lisa Ryan said...

Happy Canada Day Imma!

hi Vanessa, ha! tell Zach that was a good guess! and one half works but that was not the intended answer. I would never have chocolate in my possesion long enough to know if it went bad or not, lol.
hey, did you name your boat? and send me the watermelon recipe when you get a chance. :-)

Kate said...

RZ - nah, once you boil the rice, the bugs are nutthin.

rzdesign said...

What does Julie win? Bragging rights? Why didn't my cryptic answers count? Oh right. . . I cheated! LOL

Lisa Ryan said...

bragging rights are about it! and while your cryptic answer was pretty innovative it WAS still cheating, lol.

v said...

Of course we named our boat. And of course it's named after a woman. [Two actually ;-)]

Watermelon + vodka + crystal light lemonade mix + lemon juice + and I think Triple Sec? = a bunko party where there was no bunko :-)

Travis Cody said...

Awwww man! Well I got one.

And for the record, I live 2 states away from my place of birth.

Lisa Ryan said...

Vanessa, thanks for the recipe, best bunko ever. :-) what is the boat's name?

Travis, and I live within 50 miles of mine so there is the half! lol

Harmony said...

wow--CONGRATS TO JULIE>.ha r u lisa?/..

Julie said...

I won? YAY for me! Thanks this a Friday feature? I enjoy trivia! Where's my prize?