Wednesday, November 28, 2007

What was this?

When we were in Cancun we got the tail end of Hurricane Noel. No major storm or bad weather, just huge waves that crashed onto shore and caused the red flag to fly. Those waves brought in some wood pieces as shown above. The question is, what was this? What were these pieces used for? Was it handmade fencing from a home, grabbed by the storm? or was it, sadly, a raft being used by illegal immigrants coming over from Cuba? Our Mexican compadres thought so. There are times I wish I knew the whole story and this is one of them.


Schmoop said...

The strangest things sometimes hold the most interesting stories. Cheers Lisa!!

Lisa Ryan said...

So very true Matt-man! Cheers back at ya.

Anonymous said...

First thing I thought of of was the raft from the TV show LOST and then I thought of the character Sawyer...So you know where my mind was at...LOL!


rzdesign said...

You should have brought it home and made a table out of it! Or simply hung it on the wall!

Durward Discussion said...

That is intrigueing. Some friends and I used to play a game where we would pick up some "found object" such as that fence/raft and then tell stories about it. There are certainly lots of possibilities in that picture.

Lisa Ryan said...

Hi Lois, mmmm, Sawyer.:-)

R, that would have been cool! never thought to ship it home or pack it.

Jamie, it is intriguing. I used to play a game similar to that. Where someone starts the story about the piece and everyone contributes in turn. Love it.

Just T said...

Very interesting! From the pics it does look like some sort of fence, but I like the illegal immigrant raft story better lol

Travis Cody said...

I was thinking the same thing Jamie said. We should make a story about it.

To me it looks like a raft.

Anonymous said...

Yup...still thinkin of Sawyer! LOL!

Kellan said...

It definitely looks like a raft - how crazy! Have a good weekend.

Julie said...

No way could it be a fence. What part would go into the ground? Umm unless I'm just not thinking right...could it be a sideways fence? Nah, the posts aren't long enough.

It's a raft..make a story!

maryt/theteach said...

It looks like a raft - there could be a very sad story to tell, lisa.