Monday, October 16, 2006

Feng Shui Tips of the Day

Hang a mirror on the west wall of your dining room
to double the abundance of food at meals in your home.

Use earth colors (orange, yellow, brown) in the southwest area
of a room to activate good relationships in your life.

Keep your knives out of sight in your kitchen.
The visible presence of the knives causes arguments and quarreling.


rzdesign said...

there should be some feng shui tips for cat owners and the placement of the litter box! I knew someone who kept it in the kitchen! And then there are those who keep it in the bathroom, a room where it is typically hard to hide so when you are in there you get to stare at the cats toilet!

Lisa Ryan said...

Hmmm, there are. Feng Shui Goddess says: The portion of your home that relates to health is located at the middle of the far left section of your house as you stand facing the front of your home. Make sure kitty litter is not placed in this area or your health will be crappy.