Thursday, April 19, 2007

I'm leaving on a jet plane.......

well, more like a puddle jumper or two.
am off on a mini vacation this weekend.
want to know where?

let's see,

I am bringing my bathing suit.
definitely my camera for awesome sunset shots
snorkeling is on the agenda
as is pub crawling as there are many, many here (and rum drinks of course!)
and when we lunch? it will be cheeseburgers in paradise.

will post photos next week.
have a great weekend.


rzdesign said...

The Keys? That is where Jimmy is! Make sure you go to the Blonde Giraffe!

Schmoop said...

You are pure EVIL!! But have a helluva good time anyway. Cheers!!

Lisa Ryan said...

R, Key West to be exact. Thanks for the tip on the Blonde Giraffe, great name.

Muwahahahaha. thanks Matt-man.

Durward Discussion said...

Rats! You answered before I had a chance to guess. Hope you bump into Jimmy Buffett or at least get to count the toes on the Hemingway Cats.

rzdesign said...

there is six! per foot not total!