Tuesday, June 13, 2006

The Celebrity in YOU

Want to find out what celebrity you most look like?
Click here and follow the directions.

This is the photo I chose to upload.

This is who it was determined I look like.

Wooo hooo!
I look like Halle Berry.
You do see it don't you?
oh yeah.
I need to go to the gym now.


v said...

Before I realized I could select the gender of the results, I learned that I resemble...Jeb Bush.



OK, OK, so I slid the little thing over to "female," but by then it was too late. The damage was done, and I'm scarred for life.

I'm sure there's a support group for this kind of thing somewhere.

Lisa Ryan said...

Jeb Bush?
what the heck kind of picture did you upload?