Friday, June 23, 2006

David Richard Harrington

Born January 23
Died June 23
at age 23

I debated whether to post this or not as not everyone who reads my blog knew my brother David. But I wish you had! He was easy to get to know and he would have made you laugh. For those of you that did, well, you'll understand and I hope this triggers a good memory for you.
Todd called this morning and we talked about how we have tons of memories but not nearly enough. I'm happy for what we do have today.


Lisa Ryan said...

Love you too!

and miss you.


rzdesign said...

his genes are very much alive in your boys!

Lisa Ryan said...

they are

TheTart said...

So sorry for your loss.
Thanks for sharing the photos!

Big smooch & hug,
The Tart
; )

Lisa Ryan said...

Thanks Jocelyn

Willie Baronet said...

Lisa, I'm so sorry to hear about your brother. Blessings to you and your family. You are a precious sister for honoring him in this way. xoxoxo

Lisa Ryan said...

Thanks Willie. It was a day of good memories.

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