Friday, November 24, 2006

What to do after a long day among evil shoppers?

Ok, that is a slight exaggeration but really, people who were out there shopping, were NOT happy today! it is the busiest shopping day in the U.S. (called Black Friday) and people come out in hordes. There are lots of bargains and to me, it is always one of the funnest days to go shopping!
But not to all.
Pushy, grumpy ladies were plentiful today.
They wanted THEIR bargains!
And they didn't mind ramming their carts into you to get them.
Unfortunately not all stores were forthcoming with enough merchandise (or shopping carts) to go around.
I was patiently waiting for a shopping cart at Target and (may I state) I was first in line.
A nice gentleman handed me a cart and one of those pushy ladies tried to take it from me.
I explained I'd been waiting.
She snarled "SO WAS I" and then gave me the glaring, evil eye, saying "MERRY Christmas" while walking away.
It didn't sound like she meant it.
Must be her (bitchy) little feet were tired or her (cranky) back ached.
I would have given her the cart had I known how desperate she was.
Oh well. At least for us, presents were bought and bargains found.
Now my (non bitchy) little feet are tired and it is on to spa and movie night.
Home pedicures and Audrey Hepburn movies.
Breakfast at Tiffanys, Roman Holiday, and Sabrina.
Ahhhhh, bliss.

Hope you all had a good day!


rzdesign said...

I did not encounter any of them bitches here in Chicago! Then again, we have more stores! Ooo! SNAP!

Lisa Ryan said...

Bet you went to all the good ones too.

rzdesign said...

In one day? Who could make it to ALL the good ones! LOL LOL LOL!

Lisa Ryan said...

Hah Mr. Smartypants.
Me, online!
World Market and CB2 have online stores now. Not as much fun as browsing the real deal but it's somethin!