Friday, August 31, 2007

5 Fun Facts for Friday

Did you know?

1. Gilligan of Gilligan's Island had a first name that was only used once, on the never-aired pilot show. His first name was Willy.

2. Louis Pasteur (the discoverer of penicillin) wrote in his laboratory notes, "This damned mold keeps destroying my cultures."

3. In 1952 Mr. Potato Head began as a set of eyes, ears and a few noses and mouths. The original Mr. Potato Head did not come with a "potato body" so parents supplied their own potatoes.

4. It takes 32 glasses of water to flush the acid from 1 can of soda pop out of your system.

5. In Chinese, the Kentucky Fried Chicken slogan 'finger-lickin' good' came out as 'eat your fingers off.'


rzdesign said...

did you know a tapeworm grows to 3-7 feet at maturity and is capable of attaining a length of 30 feet. Talk about feeling full!

Schmoop said...

Wild Irish Rose makes one's clothes fall off. Would you like a glass, Lisa? Cheers!!

Julie said...

**giggles at Matt's comment**

Interesting facts there Lisa! I had a Mr. Potato head and I think I do remember using a potato back in my youth.

Lisa Ryan said...

R, yuck, I can't believe those things really exist!

Matt-man, why of course! ;-)

Hi Julie, that's cool. I hadn't remembered that. I never even had a Mr. Potato Head until I bought one for my children.

Anonymous said...

I'm snorting diet coke through my nose as I read #4....