Friday, September 21, 2007

5 fun facts for friday

Did you know.......??

1. Apples, not caffeine, are more efficient at waking you up in the morning.

2. Porcupines float in water.

3. Clinophobia is the fear of going to bed.

4. President George Washington owned foxhounds named DRUNKARD, TIPLER and TIPSY

5. The average person over fifty will have spent 5 years waiting in lines


Schmoop said...

For some reason the word "Clinophobia" sounds like it should have a sexual connotation, but that's just me. Cheers Lisa!!

Travis Cody said...

Fact #1 is good to know, because during the spring and summer I have apple juice instead of coffee with my cream of wheat in the morning.

rzdesign said...

1. Is that because they hurt when when they are thrown at you?

2. But I still would not want to use them as a flotation device!

3. I have a cream that will make that go away.

4. I tink u meen Presley Dent Worge Gashington! *hic*

5. Does that equal the same amount of time as 100 people who are 25?

Anonymous said...

I'd never heard these. I don't want to be waiting that long in line.

Lisa Ryan said...

it does sound that way Matt-man. thank goodness rzdesign has a cream for it!

so you're a cream of wheat kind of guy? I'm an oatmeal kind of girl.

R, LOL. don't confuse me with your math problems now.

me either, Rhea!

Durward Discussion said...

The dog names make sense because Washington was the biggest whiskey maker in the colonies. His distillery at Mount Vernon was huge. Most of our founders were half buzzed most of the time. Without alcohol, the Declaration of Independence might never have been written.

Lisa Ryan said...

haha, good point Jamie.

Julie said...

I love that little picture! I have tons of stupid things to do today!

**grabs coffee mug and heads back out to the garage**

Mo and The Purries said...

1. But who orders a double golden delicous extra whip at the Starbucks?

2. But they make horrible flotation devices.

3. But Clintonophobia is the fear of Hilary.

4. But GW Bush owns dogs named Condi, Rovie, and Cheney.

5. But the above average person over 50 will have spent 5 minutes cutting in line ahead of me.

Lisa Ryan said...


1. not me!

2. Yes, I think they would.

3. Is there a cream for that? because I've got it.

4. ummmm yeah. he does. I think that's pretty similar to Washington.

5. I'm sorry for doing that. and I'm not 50 yet.