Friday, October 19, 2007

5 fun facts for friday

1. Ben & Jerry's send the leftover waste from making icecream to local pig farmers. What is the only flavor the pigs won't eat?

2. What is samhainophobia?

3. Speaking of phobias. What did Sigmund Freud have a morbid fear of?

4. Who is the most recognized figure around the world? And who is the second most recognized?

5. Clint Eastwood and I are allergic to the same thing. What it is!?

make your guesses then scroll down to the bottom of the blog to see the answers. how many did you get right?


Schmoop said...

I knew number two, but had no clue of the other four. I was certain that the pigs refused to eat Bacon Ice Cream. Cheers!!

Lisa Ryan said...

bacon icecream?! creamy egg flavor with real bacon bits and ribbons of fat.

Schmoop said...

Damn Lisa you know just how to push my buttons...I'll take a gallon!!

rzdesign said...

1. Phish Food, because it is for fish!
2. I knew Sam Hain, and he was a bastard! You would be afraid of him too!
3. A comb!
4. Beevis and Butthead, in that order.
5. Mushrooms and blue cheese. I know it aint cosmos!

Lisa Ryan said...

1.mmm, mmm, mmm, R, I love phish food!
2.I think Sam is Hainous.
4.ha, while incorrect, good answer.
5.yes, I hate blue cheese and mushrooms, but i am not 'lergic to them. and you're damn straight it't not cosmos. :-)

Julie said...

Oh questions and some surprising answers too!

Travis Cody said...

My best guess was for #2 and I got that one right.

I guessed Mickey Mouse for #4.

Kate said...

I was so stumped on all of them! Mint Oreo - now that one I have not tried yet, even though my body is half made up from Ben & Jerry's!

Fun Fun as always!

Lisa Ryan said...

Hi Julie, they were surprising!

Trav, I had no clue what Samhainophobia was (or any of the others) you're one ahead of me.

Kate, I'm with the pigs, I don't like chocolate and mint together.