Thursday, September 27, 2007

A freebie: The Kingdom

Who doesn't love freebies?
Check out, scroll down, and sign up to be notified of free movie screenings in your area.

I registered a few weeks ago and last week I received 4 free passes in the mail to The Kingdom.

We went and saw the advance screening last night.
Intense, action packed, at times disturbing, and very violent - it had me on the edge of my seat throughout.

Not appropriate for the faint hearted or for the 10 year old girl sitting two seats down who, by the end of the movie, was curled up in a ball crying. WHAT goes through some parents' minds?


Schmoop said...

WTF, a 10 year old? What were the parents thinking? Oh that's right, evidently they weren't. Cheers Lisa!!

Lisa Ryan said...

(I've got my suitcase out)

rzdesign said...

where ya goin'?

Schmoop said...

I received two emails from them yesterday!! Our trip is nigh...

Lisa Ryan said...

ask for a private jet would ya?

Travis Cody said...

Apparently it really is that hard to get a babysitter these days.

rzdesign said...

It is hard finding a good babysitter. The biggest problem is the babies move when you sit on them!