Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry, Merry Christmas!

Five fun facts for the holidays!
1. Who was the first president to decorate the White House Christmas tree?
2. In Mexico, what should you wear on New Year's Eve to bring new love in the upcoming year?
3. What was the first state to officially recognize the Christmas holiday?
4. What Christmas plant is poisonous?
5. What do you have in December that you don't have in any other month?

scroll down to the bottom of the page for the answers....


rzdesign said...

1. Millord Fillmore, not because I think I am right, just because it is a funny name!
3. Maryland
4. Mistletoe, did you see Batman the Movie with Catowoman?!
5. The letter D! Heard it on a tv show today!

Schmoop said...

Great Quiz Lisa. I hope your Christmas was as well. Cheers!!

Anonymous said...

LOVED the comic! Makes me want to "wee" too!

Durward Discussion said...

Got two, four, and five. Love your little quizzes and the Santa cartoon is adorable. We didn't get to wii this year though the son is threatening to get one after New Year's.

May you have a blessed New Year filled with serenity and joy.

Lisa Ryan said...

R, Millord Filmore, what a name! (and get yourself some hot red underwear!)

Matt-man, it was the best.

Lois, me too. I wanna wii.

Thanks Jamie, and the same for you.