Friday, March 09, 2007

Five Fun Facts for Friday

The bumblebee bat weighs less than a penny and full grown is about 11 mm in length.

Fresca, the soft drink, had problems when it was sold in Mexico.
There, Fresca is slang for lesbian.

On average, 80 people shoot at the Goodyear blimp each year.

No one knows why, but 90 percent of women who walk into a department store immediately turn to the right.

You can now buy a coffin which can be used as a bookcase before you are buried in it.


rzdesign said...

Speaking of Mexico. . .

Chevrolet had no idea when their popluar car, the NOVA, did not sell in Mexcio and other spanish speaking countries. Finally they found out NOVA in Spanish means "No Go (No Va)!"

Stewart Sternberg (half of L.P. Styles) said...

Maybe I'm twisted, but I LOVED these factoids. I had a tremendous visual of a mullet headed buffoon shooting up at the Goodyear blimp.

v said...

Of course women always are right. Er, turn. Yeah, yeah, I meant "turn." ::ahem::

I love the little bat!

"Mullet-headed buffoon"...LOL!

Lisa Ryan said...

R, another one I heard, a Spanish version of the "Got Milk?" campaign used ¿Tienes leche?, which can be understood as "Are you lactating?"

Hi Stewart, LOL, great visual.

Hi V, this might call for a shopping excursion to test that theory.

Alice (in BC Canada) said...

Great facts, Lisa. I love the Bumblebee Bat, and wish I could have some here. They would likely seem less, uuummm, eerrrr, well, less scary than the normal bats, haha. Actually, I would like to have a bat house in my yard so they could eat all the mosquitoes and such in summer months.

Barb said...

About the women turning right.. It's said that most people will turn right given a choice and in fact that holds true at Disney! They say to get shorter lines to turn left. :)