Wednesday, May 23, 2007

8 Random Facts

I've been tagged by Kate to post 8 random facts/habits about myself.

I did the 5 weird things about me awhile back so here are 8 random facts/habits to add to it:

1. I've kissed the blarney stone.

2. I hate public speaking, yet for every job I've ever had, I've had to do it. (except now)

3. I unconciously mimic the voice intonations of others when I am around them. Eg: when I am around my canadian cousins, I speak with a canadian accent. It drives my brother nuts.

4. I was barefoot, pregnant, and in the kitchen for a total of 3 years and 3 months of my life.

5. I can tie a cherry stem in a knot with my tongue.

6. I hate mushrooms and bleu cheese. I tried to overcome my hate for these and I ate a grilled portabello mushroom with bleu cheese recently. I threw up.

7. I can play chopsticks, heart and soul, and the theme from Love Story on the piano.

8. I used to take bubble baths with my cat Snickers. She would meow by the side of the tub until I plopped her in the water. Then she would purr. (She wouldn't wash my back though.) Now we have a dog and I can't get him near a tub without a fight.

There you have it.

I have seen so many of my blogging buddies tagged recently I am going to give the tagging a rest for a bit. If you'd like to play, post your 8 random things/habits to your blog and let me know!


Schmoop said...

That's funny...When I read number 5 and number 8 I swear I could heard the soundtrack to an old porn movie. Cheers!!

Lisa Ryan said...

LOL, Matt-man, why am I not surprised!? signed, sweet pea sugar maple

Anonymous said...

You failed to mention that we drank a wee bit of wine with that blue cheese and mushroom. Hence, that is what gave you the courage to eat the blue cheese and mushroom.

Lisa Ryan said...

LOL Anon! wine? what wine?

Anonymous said...

#3 - That would drive anybody nuts...your brother is completely justified!!!

#5 and #8 - Matt man is correct! Hopefully your brother will not read this, that would be wayyyy too much infornmation and would skeev him out.

Having followed a bit of your blog and postings...your brother sounds so cool! Gosh your lucky!!!

Lisa Ryan said...

so you think that would bug anyone eh? ya know, take off, eh?!

oh and the porn thing? that doesn't surprise me about you either, LOL taking something so innocent and making it pornish.

I am very lucky indeed :-)