Monday, January 21, 2008

Blue Monday

Today is the most depressing day of the year.

That is according to Dr Cliff Arnall who was a researcher at the University of Cardiff. He determined this date using many factors, including: weather conditions, debt level (the difference between debt accumulated and our ability to pay), time since Christmas, time since failing our new year’s resolutions, low motivational levels and feeling of a need to take action. This date typically falls on the Monday of the last full week of January. This would make today, January 21, the Blue Monday of 2008.

Dr Arnall has also calculated the happiest day of the year. This year it will be June 21, 2008. For this he used a formula which uses factors including: the outdoors, nature, social interaction, childhood summers and positive memories, temperature and holidays.

No blues for me though. The sun is shining here and only 59 days remain 'til spring.


Tracy said...

It is also Martin Luther King's birthday!

I HAVE A DREAM, full of optimism! Take that Blue Monday!

Lisa Ryan said...

I'm with you on that Tracy!

Travis Cody said...

I actually had a pretty good day getting errands done. I felt healthy and wasn't depressed at all.

Schmoop said...

Really cool picture Lisa. I hope you made it through the depression of the day. Cheers!!

Lisa Ryan said...

Glad to hear it Travis. I did too!

Hi Matt-man, no depression here, maybe we'll all be depressed on the happiest day of the year and disprove Arnall's theory.

Julie said...

Wow! I never knew this. Very interesting.

Durward Discussion said...

Great post. Hope you complained to the offenders.

Now color me dim, but I wasn't aware of Annie Lee's work. It's wonderful. Thanks for the head's up.