Thursday, January 17, 2008

Tap those savings

There’s no benefit in letting the water run while you shave, brush your teeth, or wash your hands. Turn off the tap when you don’t need the water and save ten gallons or more each morning.

Leaking faucets as small as 1/16 inch can drip away one hundred gallons very quickly. Replace worn washers and valve seals.

AND, if you keep your shower under five minutes you can save up to one thousand gallons a month. (Hey if you keep it under 5 mins and shower with a friend you've just doubled your savings and your fun.)


Schmoop said...

I try to save water by completely skipping the showering process. I give and give. Cheers Lisa!!

Lisa Ryan said...

Matt-man, you are so selfless (and probably stinky)!

rzdesign said...

another water saving tip. . .

pee in the shower and you will save approximately 1.6 gallons of water. If yopu shower with someone as Lisa suggests, that is 3.2 gallons!

Lisa Ryan said...

R, is that a guy thing? Now I'm thinking the 4 men in this house better not be peeing in my shower.

rzdesign said...

BAd news alert for Lisa. . .


Julie said...

I brush my teeth in the that gross?

Lisa Ryan said...

R, they are going to scrub the shower then!

Hi Julie, ummm, two questions. Are you IN the bathtub taking a bath?and if so do you spit in the water? then I might have to say yes. If it is in the shower then, nope, I do too.

rzdesign said...

Brushing teeth in shower? With warm water? YUK! I would pee in the shower before doing that!

Travis Cody said...

There's no way I can double up in the shower and still keep it under 5 minutes...too much fun can be had!

I definitely agree with turning off the faucet when brushing teeth and shaving...there's no need for the water to run. I learned that one as a very young kid.