Thursday, April 06, 2006

The Chronicles of Narnia

They open a door and enter a world....

And so Lucy found herself walking through
the wood, arm and arm with this strange
creature, as if they had known one another
all their lives.

C.S. Lewis

Going to Florida tomorrow.
In the car.
21 hours.

I am bringing the 7 book Narnia series
with me.
That should keep me occupied for a bit.

I love this series. I haven't read it since the kids were small.
If you haven't had the pleasure of reading it, you should.


rzdesign said...

Lucy found herself walking through the wood arm?! SOunds creepy!

Lisa Ryan said...

Trees do come alive in this book, but not here. comma corrected.

rzdesign said...

are ethel, fred and ricky in the book too?

Lisa Ryan said...

Let me esplain it to you -

Willie Baronet said...

Holy crap! Drive safely, and I hope you enjoy the chronicles. :-)

rzdesign said...

have you seen the video from SNL Called "Lazy Sunday"? CHECK IT OUT!

Lisa Ryan said...

LOL, I just did, thanks!