Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Hello Moto? Pay my bill.

I read another article in the NY Times last week about
cellphones becoming the latest digital wallet.

The idea is not new.
These have been used in Europe and Asia for years.
In Japan, almost 10 million cell phones have prepaid swipe chips.
You can use them at train stations or small convenience stores.

But up until 2 years ago the idea had largely been a gadget geek's fantasy here in the U.S. (I am a gadget geek but this is not my fantasy)

Now it is feasible we will see the use of wallet phones in 2007.

What are the benefits for consumers?
Convenience I suppose.

For retailers, banks and credit card companies?
More buyers
Younger buyers
Lots more fees
Potential rise in credit card sales

For advertisers?
A couple ideas being bandied about - text messaging receipts and using interactive poster ads to beam virtual coupons for discounts at nearby shops.


mace said...

I love geeks. I have a geek girlfriend. I love tech and information about tech.

The idea of this phone creeps me the creep out. Like use of the "C" word is to you.

Lisa Ryan said...

I think we'll eventually go to fingerprint scanning. Your electronic driver's license, credit cards, shipping address, etc will all be attached to your fingerprint. That's even creepier. Maybe even worse than the "C" word.