Thursday, April 27, 2006

Circle of Friends

A few years back 5 friends from high school started a tradition.
A circle of friends, along with a journal,
would arrive on or before each of our birthdays.
The circle would be hung, the journal written in,
and then both would be passed on to the next friend
on or before her birthday.

It was a gift to get each year.

The journal has become a compilation of memories
from the time we were 14 until present day.
It includes photos and music and poems and even a family tree.
Each entry is from the perspective of the individual writing in it.
It is a history of our lives together.

This year, Joi sent us each our own circle of friends.
To keep with us year round.
Now just the journal will make the journey .
from Liverpool, NY to Marblehead, MA
to Vancouver, WA to Orinda, CA to Cornwall, NY
and then the circle starts again.

I received my circle of friends in the mail today.
Once again I am reminded how lucky I am!

1 comment:

Willie Baronet said...

Wow, that is so freaking cool. What a great tradition. :-)