Tuesday, February 07, 2006

I like driving with you because you don't freak out on me

That's what David said to me today after our 3rd driving lesson.

I like teaching him to drive.

It's fun.
and scary.
and makes me want to drink wine.
and buy one of these signs for added insurance.
But first and foremost it's fun.

For a 16 year old, David is a good listener and remembers what you tell him and doesn't act like he knows it all already. AND he admits it's scary driving. especially in rush hour traffic. in the dark.

Here are the top 10 rules we've covered together so far.

1. Do as mom SAYS, not as dad DOES.

2. The speed limit is just that - a LIMIT. meaning limited to that speed. the one that is posted.

3.Going 5 mph under the speed limit will NOT get you a ticket.

4.Listening to Weezer loudly while driving will not help me "relax".

5. Pedestrians have the right of way even if they run directly in front of your car. Especially if they run directly in front of your car.

6. When you turn left into 2 lanes of traffic you must look BOTH ways.

7. That's great you listened to Queen's "We are the Champions" while driving with dad and "did just fine". Refer to rule #1.

8. Allowing at least 12 inches between you and the car ahead of you at a stop sign or stoplight is a good idea.

9. GRADUALLY slowing down is easier on the neck muscles.

and last but not least.....

10.When wondering who has the right of way when four cars approach a four-way stop at the same time? It is the pick up truck with the gun rack and the bumper sticker saying, "Guns don't kill people I do"


rzdesign said...

Interesting. I am not sure if Mom adheres to all those rules? Where does throwing a cell phone into the passengers seat when passing a cop come into play?

Lisa Ryan said...

shhhh. don't rat out the mom.

rzdesign said...


As they say in Japan. . . The mother could being owned!

Lisa Ryan said...

fine, I got owned. Thanks Meow.

Richard, are you playing with that translator again? :-)

rzdesign said...

Yeah Thanks Meow!

as Yoda would say. . .So love the yoda widget, I do !

Anonymous said...

Mrs. Ryan, you could always remind your friend Rzdesign that owned in this case is correctly spelled "pwned." If you're a net hip person, that is.

Rzdesign 2
Mrs. Ryan and friends, 3.

Lisa Ryan said...

Go team Mrs. Ryan and friends!:-)

rzdesign said...

Jenna started it and spelled it "owned."

then YOU spelled it "owned" so don't be jumpin' ship so quickly Mrs. Ryan!

Snap that!

I am taking back a point and makingthis game RZDesign 3, the rest of ya'll 2.

And Mrs. Ryan specifically 1, for jumping ship so quickly!

Lisa Ryan said...

Richard said I'm number 1!

rzdesign said...

Really? That is how you read that! I am not surprised. Don't make me go Scabble on you!