Sunday, February 26, 2006

Travel Gizmos

As I sit here watching the snow keep coming, and coming, and coming, my mind turns to warmer climates and travel.

Thought I would share these travel finds. Two I currently have in my possession, one is on my list to get.

Richard Torcino collaborated with Design Edge, Austin, TX to design and produce the idea he had for his "spy brush".

It's convenience and cool design on the go. The toothpaste stores in the handle, the top is a rinsing cup and the brushes are replaceable.

After rejecting more than 50 names — Spybrush wasn't among them — they named it OHSO because someone wandered in, wondered what it was and said, "Oh, so it's a toothbrush."

This little gadget by TUMI has an innovative design: it has 4 adaptor configurations in one unit.

Works for laptops, cell phones and small appliances in 150 countries. Features a replaceable electric fuse and convenient case.

For me, nothing says "home" better in a hotel room than fresh flowers. Both of these vases work great, they fold for storage, and pop open to fill with water. The plastic is moldable into different looks and the paper vase has a liner inside to hold the water.

Moldable plastic vase.

Paper vase


rzdesign said...

i think you have apaper vase like that!

mace said...

I think that toothbrush looks like it should also vibrate.

Kate said...

what COOOOOOL devices!
i've got them bookmarked - and i may be getting ready for xmas a lot earlier this year! thanks for the links!

Lisa Ryan said...

R - I do have a lovely black one thanks to you!

M - now THAT would be ideal.

Kate- you're welcome, I love to give gadgets for the holidays too.

rzdesign said...

OHSO is a featured sponsor on the josh spear blog!